Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Beginnings

Hello to all my friends.

When we started on this quest for healthy living, I was trying to renew some habits I had formed earlier, but lost during the holiday period. Because I was getting back to old habits, it was relatively easy for me to add new habits and routines daily. It was not so easy for anyone just starting out. I would like to change format and simply give helpful tips and encouragement in the many areas of living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Would you please consider participating in the poll to the right so I can gear my posts to help you all where you most need it?

Now that we have this avenue to speak to and encourage each other, I want to invite you to create your own goals and share with us what you are working on and the progress you make. Please, also share any information you happen upon as well.

Many of you have been journaling, and I think that is key to success. Please continue to use your journals to write out your goals, the steps you are going to take to reach those goals, and mark your progress as you go. Journals are also great for keeping track of exercise, finances, wishlists (use these to reward yourself after you have reached a goal) and eating habits. Let's use those journals!

Feel free to share your goals once you have decided on them.

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